A Mechanism and High Order Derivative Theory of Gravity for Accelerating and Jerking Universe

by Open Science Repository Physics
(June 2017)


In 2016, scientists report that the acceleration of the expansion of the universe could be accelerating, denote as jerk. We notice that the acceleration of the expanding universe is attributed to linear-effect of gravity, and believe that the jerk is linear-effect as well. We face two tasks: (1) A single dynamic mechanism is required to explain both acceleration and jerk; (2) higher order derivative theories of gravity is needed to govern jerk. We propose a theory-independent dynamic mechanism and extend Newton’s and linearized Einstein’s theory to contain high order differential evolution equations for time-varying source, gravitational field, and movement. We show that the mechanism, (1) predicts repulsive gravitational force, explain the accelerating expansion without fine-tuning problem, and provide an explanation of the jerk; (2) provides a candidate for driving inflation; (3) suggests a new understanding of the nature of dark energy, and postulates gravitational-charge/dark energy duality. Generalized linearized Einstein’s theory predicts that the accelerated receding objects in the universe emit gravitational wave.

Keywords: accelerating universe, accelerated acceleration of universe, jerking universe, dynamic mechanism, repulsive gravity, dark energy, inflation, gravitational wave.

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A Mechanism and High Order Derivative Theory of Gravity for Accelerating and Jerking Universe

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