Open Science Repository Physics

doi: 10.7392/Physics.70081918

Timeless Existence

Mazduda Hassan Bubly


Time is an incomprehensible idea even though we live all our life by it. The more we try to understand time the more we feel ourselves swayed away from it. The idea of zero time change is even more confusing. How can anything exist as timeless? I do not have the answer. But as intricate is the design of creation of the universe, there could be ways of nature of introducing zero change in time. Under certain circumstances, conditions and properties of objects and space, time can become timeless. In my research paper I have attempted to try to understand those hidden rules of nature through some basic formula in physics. From the formulas I have derived that nature allows such a special state of time if a body’s mass is completely zero or if it has absolutely zero velocity. Both conditions are very complicated, because obtaining zero mass is just as complex as obtaining zero velocity. In order to understand gracious ‘time’, may be these two complex riddles are only the primary steps.

Keywords:  timeless, velocity, massless, absolute zero velocity.

Citation: Bubly, M. H. (2013). Timeless Existence. Open Science Repository Physics, Online(open-access), e70081918. doi:10.7392/Physics.70081918

Received: December 21, 2012.

Published: January 16, 2013.

Copyright: © 2013 Bubly, M. H. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


Reaching out the timeless

What do we mean if we say an object is experiencing zero change in time? The object does not go through any change in time, it is present in all three states of time  - the past, the present and the future. Comprehending from the object’s point of view, observing such a state of timeless existence is difficult. Even understanding the conditions under which the nature allows so is beyond our knowledge. However, we could try to approach the hidden mystery of timeless existence through the aid of mathematical equations.

In Physics, we have law relating impulse and momentum, that the rate of change of momentum is equal to impulse.

That is,

Rate of change of momentum = Impulse

Or,  mv - mu = F × ∆t

Or,  ∆t = m (v - u) / F

In the equation above, if any of the multiple in the numerator becomes zero, then the whole equation will also become zero. For example, if change in velocity is zero here, that is, v - u = 0, then the equation would be,

 ∆t = m × 0 / F

     = 0

So, the change in time becomes zero.

Now, v - u could be made zero if v is equal to u, the final velocity is equal to the initial velocity. Or, if both of them remains zero, the change in time remains zero however.

Another way of deriving zero change in time could be by making mass equal to zero. As we can see from the equations above, making multiple m = 0 will also result in making ∆t = 0.

Velocity = 0

If something has zero velocity will it really experience zero change in time? We know that no still body on Earth can have zero velocity because combining the Earth’s rotational and revolving velocity along with the receding velocity of the Milky way we all are moving 900 km / s at minimum. Many may claim that why don’t we just observe the body right where it is. We forget wherever it is contained, at what rate its container is moving and consider the object’s own velocity only. It is more like saying we have a tennis ball in a room, the ball is in still motion even though the room is revolving at a certain velocity. Inside the room someone would say the ball is still; outside, the observer would disagree. But if the observer inside is good at math he would not agree with the illusion his eyes just created and would agree with the observer outside about the tennis ball, that, although the ball seems to be in still, motion has velocity indeed due to the revolving velocity of the room. This kind of velocities introduced to objects, though does not seem to have considerable effect in characteristics of the object, the equation says it does. The equation says being completely independent of velocity means being completely independent of time.

Velocity causes rise of time. The source of time on this universe is velocity. In fact, we measure our time comparing to Earth’s rotational velocity around the sun and calculate nights, days and then years. The most accurate time we can measure is by comparing to the speed of light. Therefore if we can get rid of velocity overall it may be possible that we can get rid of time.

Newton’s first law of motion

Newton’s first law of motion, or the law of inertia, states that a body at rest will remain at rest or at constant motion with constant velocity unless acted by an external force. If we consider the first part of the theory that a body at rest will remain at rest forever unless acted by an external force, then we see that zero motion is indicating here no change in velocity. At constant velocity the same rule applies but for the simplification of the theory let us just consider zero velocity. Another way of seeing this is that a body at rest will remain at rest forever  because it experience zero change in time. The body has gone to timeless existence because it does not feel any velocity at all. Fictions it may sound but a body at rest is not really an easy concept to deal with. It is very complicated and much unknown to us humans. Keeping a body at absolute rest is almost impossible on Earth that is rotating and revolving throughout the year.

Mass = 0

Another formula that can be obtained from the equation is if mass of an object can be made zero its time change will also become zero.

∆t = m (v - u) / F

If m = 0,

Or, -t = 0 × (v - u) / F

Or, -t = 0

The only massless particles we know to exist are photon and gluon. Are they timeless? There has been many claims that they are. From the equation we see anything that has zero mass becomes timeless. Mass is defined as the amount of matter in a body, or more accurately the body’s resistance to change in motion. How do we define massless bodies – a resistance to change of a body’s to motion? What would happen if a body provides absolutely no resistance to change in motion – the body will take same amount of time to travel shorter and longer distances. How that happens is puzzling to us but it could be that because the body is massless, it exists in a timeless state and so can travel any amount of distance at any length of time.

Bringing it in reality

From relativity we come to think of time that depends entirely on observer’s observation. When we say time change is zero, it also means the observer experience this zero change of time. So no matter how the observed object is moving at what meter per second, the observer would see all this happening in no time at all. Therefore, in order to understand zero time the observer himself has to be present at the point where zero time is taking place due to zero change in velocity. Therefore, when we talk about velocity, it is necessary that both the observer and the observed body are in there. If we can find such a point in space where velocity is absolutely zero and try to understand it from Earth, it would not be possible. Because we would then count everything relative to Earth’s rotational and revolving velocity. We fall into the illusion of relative time. Maybe all we would be able to observe is no physical change about that point as time goes by. But to understand how it feels to see from the point of view of zero time we have to be practically present in there.

Finding a place with absolute zero velocity is difficult. But experiments could be carried out if we could artificially make the space’s total velocity zero. A space that moves in opposite direction to the motion of the Earth and the Milky Way. Careful application of Mathematics can make this possible. If making a Large Hadron Collider is possible to attempt for a replica of the Big Bang, then making a space move at opposite  to the direction of the  universe’s motion should not seem so  impossible. Space moving in an opposite direction to the  universes’ motion is required so that the opposite motions cross out and we can obtain a space of zero velocity. Another potential place to carry out such experiments could be void in space where it appears to have less illusion of velocity giving rise to time, at least less than than on Earth.

It is beyond our imagination how a body would act at zero velocity and cannot be really determined unless experiments are carried out.

Timeless observer

Velocity occurs when something moves through space and time. What if something stays fixed at space and time and does not move forward?

This can happen only for a massless object which does not need to travel through space or time dimension. Therefore, something massless naturally exists in a timeless state.

What if something with mass does not move in space and time?

Not moving through space is possible; the object would just have to stay at a fixed place. But how will the object do so in time dimension?

No object can stay fixed at a certain time. But perhaps this object will be able to stay at a fixed time if it does not participate in the motion of time dimension in forward direction. It may not be able to go backward in time’s dimension but it is possible to capture something at a fixed point of time. How we can do these can be illustrated using a simple example. let us assume, we have a train of infinite length moving over an infinite rail line. This is moving forward and, therefore, so is all bodies inside the train. The trains taking everything forward with it and it is not possible for anything inside the train to go in backward or opposite direction to the train’s motion. Now let us imagine we have a body or a device inside the train that is running at speed opposite the train’s motion inside the train. As a result of this, the device’s position would be at a fixed place if observed from outside. Likewise, if we can put our device in a special state inside the space time curvature we are living in it is possible that our device will be staying at a timeless existence.

This can be done by placing the device, our observer  in a spot where the rotational and revolving motion of celestial bodies and galaxies cancels out. That is a gap in the space which does not take part in the universal expansion. This way, not moving though expansion, and moving through space in a special way we actually stop moving through time. Thus, if we do not have velocity neither through time or space, we can achieve a timeless state that has been only a fiction all along.

We know that there is no unified way of measuring time. Time is completely dependent on the observer’s observation. We know that it is the motion of bodies that give rise in time. What would happen, then, if the observer himself has no motion? Would the observer start observing the motion of other moving objects and start counting time? Or the observer would not be able to count since he himself has no motion?

Let us look a little deeper into the problem. If we consider that there are three kinds of spaces or universes- universe A, universe B and universe C. That is,

In universe A, observer D is present.

In universe B, observer E is present.

And in universe C, observer F is present.

We suppose,

Universe A has zero motion and observer D cannot observe anything outside A.

Universe B is also at rest but observer E can read changes going on outside B.

Universe E is at constant motion, it contains bodies that rotate and revolve at different velocities, much like our universe.

If E now observes D, E will see no motion and will feel zero change in time because he has nothing to compare to. But if E Starts to observe F, E will start comparing its velocity with that of F and feel a change and thus discover  time.

A big puzzling question remains that why would somebody go through zero change in time just because he cannot count time. May be we should return to the mysterious world of quantum mechanics in order to answer that. Simple though it sounds but an observer’s observation makes a big difference. If the observer observes time, then there is time. If the observer does not, then there is no time. 


Finding out the timeless can be achieved if something is massless or it experiences zero velocity. This can lead us to finally solve the age-long problem of how we can stop something from moving through time. We see that it is not a fiction anymore and is possible to achieve by developing an efficient technique using zero velocity. We can design an experimental area that does not move or move against the motion of universal expansion. That is, any empty space where the effects of fields cancel out. By placing an intelligent device in such an area we can communicate with objects from past. If we can place a device or an observer in such a special area where no celestial velocity acts, it will be possible to transport our observer or observing device in a timeless state. Although we may move forward in time dimension, our observer will not move, and thus we will be able to communicate with our observer from past.

The absence and presence of time are equally mystifying. If velocity gives rise to time in our universe, then it could be possible that only velocity can stop it. If masslessness of any body or object can be achieved, that is, it provides zero resistance to motion, timelessness may also be achieved. We cannot be sure until we carry out experiments and for that reason this theory of achieving zero change time through the formula of impulse and momentum may serve as a good primary step towards our journey of unraveling the riddle of time.


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Bubly, M. H. (2013). Timeless Existence. Open Science Repository Physics, Online(open-access), e70081918. doi:10.7392/Physics.70081918


Bubly, Mazduda Hassan. “Timeless Existence.” Open Science Repository Physics (2013): e70081918.


Bubly, Mazduda Hassan. “Timeless Existence.” Open Science Repository Physics Online, no. open-access (January 16, 2013): e70081918.


Bubly, M.H., 2013. Timeless Existence. Open Science Repository Physics, Online(open-access), p.e70081918. Available at:


1. Bubly, M. H. Timeless Existence. Open Science Repository Physics Online, e70081918 (2013).


1. M. H. Bubly, Timeless Existence, Open Science Repository Physics Online, e70081918 (2013).


Research registered in the DOI resolution system as: 10.7392/Physics.70081918.

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