Simulating the 1-D Bromide Transport in a Deforming Stagno-Vertical Cambisol Under Mechanical Loading Sequences

by Open Science Repository Agriculture
(October 2013)


The tri-axial compression of a soil matrix under 1-D steady-state water (phase) flow conditions and the transport behavior of a conservative bromide tracer (component) under incremental mechanical stress was investigated. The momentum mass balance equations incorporated an Advection-Diffusion term and took into account the Dispersion coefficient D, changing porosity, θ, velocity μ, of the non-compressible Newtonian pore fluid, the Mobility Index MI, and the parameters β and ω f the solute transport in a deforming porous medium. Simulated results demonstrated that the longitudinal dispersivity and MI of the single component was influenced by the magnitude of applied load. Statistical results also demonstrated that the influences of incremental mechanical loading on the bromide mobility index MI and mass transfer terms α were significant with bromide mass recovery rates at 70%, 52% and 48% for 0, 10 and 40 kPa respectively.

Keywords: Mobility Index MI, longitudinal dispersivity, mass recovery, creep, mechanical load.

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Simulating the 1-D Bromide Transport in a Deforming Stagno-Vertical Cambisol Under Mechanical Loading Sequences

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