Open Science Repository Physics

doi: 10.7392/openaccess.45011851

Wave-Particle Duality of Gravitational Wave and Designed Experiment

Hui Peng [1], Kwang-Shang Wang [2]

[1] ORCID 0000-0002-1844-3163; [2] ORCID 0000-0001-8430-7541, Pennsylvania State University


The detection of gravitational waves (GW) demands thorough study of GW. In this article we systematically study both wave behavior and particle nature of GW in framework of Gravitodynamics and derive gravitational counterparts of Electromagnetic wave (EMW). For wave phenomena, we show: (1) intensities of GW quadrupole radiation predicted by either Gravitodynamics or by linearized General Relativity are the same, except by factor of 4; (2) the correlations between redshifts of both GW and EMW and between Hubble Constant and redshift of GW; (3)  formula  for  relativistic  quadrupole  radiation. For particle nature, we demonstrate: (1) GW is quantizable; (2) The wave-particle duality of GW exists; (3) Gravitational dipole radiates Gravito-photon; (4) Dirac Sea is generalized to include gravitational charges. An experiment is proposed to detect wave-particle duality of GW. We raise two questions: (1) what is the physical mechanism of conversion of mass to GW/Gravito-photons? (2) Does GW/Gravito-photon convert to mass?

Keywords: gravitodynamics, gravitational waves (GW), quantum of GW, wave-particle duality of GW, gravitational experiment.

CitationPeng, H., & Wang, K.-S. (2016). Wave-Particle Duality of Gravitational Wave and Designed Experiment. Open Science Repository Physics, Online(open-access), e45011851. doi:10.7392/OPENACCESS.45011851

Received: June 24, 2016

Published: June 28, 2016

Copyright: © 2016  Peng, H., & Wang, K.-S. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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Peng, H., & Wang, K.-S. (2016). Wave-Particle Duality of Gravitational Wave and Designed Experiment. Open Science Repository Physics, Online(open-access), e45011851. doi:10.7392/OPENACCESS.45011851


Peng, Hui, and Kwang-Shang Wang. “Wave-Particle Duality of Gravitational Wave and Designed Experiment.” Open Science Repository Physics (2016): e45011851.


Peng, Hui, and Kwang-Shang Wang. “Wave-Particle Duality of Gravitational Wave and Designed Experiment.” Open Science Repository Physics Online, no. open-access (June 28, 2016): e45011851. doi:10.7392/OPENACCESS.45011851.


Peng, H. & Wang, K.-S., 2016. Wave-Particle Duality of Gravitational Wave and Designed Experiment. Open Science Repository Physics, Online(open-access), p.e45011851.


1. H. Peng, K.-S. Wang, Wave-Particle Duality of Gravitational Wave and Designed Experiment, Open Sci. Repos. Phys. Online, e45011851 (2016).


1. Peng, H. & Wang, K.-S. Wave-Particle Duality of Gravitational Wave and Designed Experiment. Open Sci. Repos. Phys. Online, e45011851 (2016).


Research registered in the DOI resolution system as: 10.7392/openaccess.45011851.

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