Open Science Repository Physics

doi: 10.7392/openaccess.23050461

A Lepton and a Quark are a Looped Photon

Akira Yotsumoto

Tokyo, Japan


Dirac spinor is recognized as a two-dimensional rotation of any generator. For the Lagrangian of rotational symmetry, the linear sigma model of SSB is available. Then it is derivable that a Dirac spinor (lepton or quark) is a looped photon that is rotating along the trough of potential in linear sigma model. In this model, quarks and leptons are derived definitely.

Keywords: lepton, quark, looped photon, linear sigma model, Dirac spinor.

Citation: Yotsumoto, A. (2013). A Lepton and a Quark are a Looped Photon. Open Science Repository Physics, Online(open-access), e23050461. doi:10.7392/openaccess.23050461

Received: November 18, 2013

Published:November 25, 2013

Copyright: © 2013 Yotsumoto, A. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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Yotsumoto, A. (2013). A Lepton and a Quark are a Looped Photon. Open Science Repository Physics, Online(open-access), e23050461. doi:10.7392/openaccess.23050461


Yotsumoto, Akira. “A Lepton and a Quark Are a Looped Photon.” Open Science Repository Physics (2013): e23050461.


Yotsumoto, Akira. “A Lepton and a Quark Are a Looped Photon.” Open Science Repository Physics Online, no. open-access (November 25, 2013): e23050461. doi:10.7392/openaccess.23050461.


Yotsumoto, A., 2013. A Lepton and a Quark are a Looped Photon. Open Science Repository Physics, Online(open-access), p.e23050461.


1. A. Yotsumoto, A Lepton and a Quark are a Looped Photon, Open Sci. Repos. Phys. Online, e23050461 (2013).


1. Yotsumoto, A. A Lepton and a Quark are a Looped Photon. Open Sci. Repos. Phys. Online, e23050461 (2013).


Research registered in the DOI resolution system as: 10.7392/openaccess.23050461.

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