Investigation of influence of pollution of the biosphere of Azerbaijan on the physico-chemical properties venom of snake Macrovipera lebetina obtusa

by Open Science Repository Biology
(August 2013)


As a result of investigation development of geological ecology of snakes we can predict venom properties practically from any region, to make a catch of snakes in certain populations and necessary level of ferment activity. Progressive pollution of biosphere of Azerbaijan by technogen waste products lead to its significant saturation by toxic chemical elements, including heavy metals (Ni 41-142, Pb 21-38, Cr 89-213, Zn 18-147, Cu 20-51, Cd 0.8-4.2 mg/kg). Comparative study of metal concentration in venom composition and soil cover allows to establish the correlation between pollution and toxic composition in venom in natural conditions and in captivity. Thus, to explain the relationship to soil ecology conditions of venom property change one can pay attention on elementary composition of zootoxins and toxin content in given specific conditions.

Keywords: Macrovipera lebetina obtusa, venom, luminescence, ecology, heavy metals.

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Investigation of influence of pollution of the biosphere of Azerbaijan on the physico-chemical properties venom of snake Macrovipera lebetina obtusa

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