Influence de l’utilisation d’un antiglycolytique et de la température de conservation sur la stabilité du dosage de la glycémie avant centrifugation

by Open Science Repository Biology
(March 2014)


Blood glucose is one of the most requested tests in biochemistry, and it helps in making the laboratory diagnosis of diabetes. Its testing is easy but its determination still faces shortcomings occurring most often in the pre-analytical phase. The type of tube and the time before sample processing among others are all factors that could impact on the reliability of results. Samples of 35 apparently healthy volunteers were collected by venopuncture after an informed consent.

Aliquots in lithium-heparin tubes and potassium oxalate with sodium fluoride tubes were taken in duplicate for blood glucose determination at different times during the study (t0, t2, t4 and t6) and stored either at room temperature or at 4°C. Aliquots for t0 were tested immediately. Blood glucose determination was carried out using an A15 analyzer (BioSystems SA) ® by enzymatic method with glucose oxidase.

The time before centrifugation was significantly longer in the presence of an antiglycolytic agent and/or at 4°C.

The stability of blood glucose before centrifugation was affected despite the presence antiglycolytic agent in the tube and by storage temperature.

Keywords: blood glucose, antiglycolytic, sodium fluoride, lithium heparin.

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Influence de l’utilisation d’un antiglycolytique et de la température de conservation sur la stabilité du dosage de la glycémie avant centrifugation

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