Gauge Theory of Gravity with Internal U (1) Symmetry and Unification of Gravitational and Electromagnetic Fields

by Open Science Repository Physics
(December 2015)


There are difficulties with renormalizing quantum theories of gravity and unifying gravity with electromagnetic fields. In this article, we postulate the Precise Equivalence Principle (PEP) as a basic principle to establish effective gravitational theories. The PEP leads to a conclusion that gravitational fields are Abelian gauge fields with an internal Ug (1) symmetry. Next, we establish Gravitodynamics that predicts the existences of gravito-magnetic fields and gravitational waves. Moreover, we quantize Gravitodynamics and show that Quantum Gravitodynamics (QGD) is renormalizable. The QGD predicts: (1) the quantum of the gravitational fields, which we name Gravito-boson, carries energy and momentum, has zero rest mass hence zero gravitational charge; thus a gravitational field is not the source of itself; (2) Gravito-boson is a spin 1 particle which has two physically independent transverse polarizations and moves at a finite speed; (3) the existence of negative gravitational charges that repel the positive gravitational charges; (4) gravitational fields change Dirac particles’ effective rest mass. We unify Gravity with electromagnetic fields in the framework of gauge theory with internal Ug (1) × Ue (1) group.

Keyword: internal Ug (1) symmetry of gravity, quantum theory of gravity, renormalization of quantum theory of gravity, negative gravitational charge, unification of electromagnetic gravitational fields.

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Gauge Theory of Gravity with Internal U (1) Symmetry and Unification of Gravitational and Electromagnetic Fields

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