Extended Hubble Law for the Accelerating and Jerking Universe

by Open Science Repository Astronomy


In the 1998 and the 2016, scientists report the accelerating universe and the jerking universe, respectively. Hubble law was derived based on the uniformly expanding universe and may be extended to fit the accelerating and jerking universe. For this aim, we generalize the linear distance-velocity and distance-redshift relations of Hubble law to a non-linear distance-movement and a distance-redshift-movement relation of the generalized Hubble law. We suggest that the generalized Hubble law are worth to pursue and may be tested by introducing it into cosmological study.

Keywords: distance-velocity relation, distance-redshift relation, Hubble law, accelerating universe, redshift, Cosmology.

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Extended Hubble Law for the Accelerating and Jerking Universe

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