Evidences of Extraterrestrial Life on Mars Images from NASA’s Curiosity Rover

by Open Science Repository Astronomy
(January 2015)


This visual paper reveals that several images from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity show strong evidences of ancient extraterrestrial intelligent life on Mars. Original NASA images were analysed in search for signs of extraterrestrial life and intelligence and the evidences have been classified into strong, probable, weak and likely pareidolia. Also, suspected intentional blurs have been identified on some images. We found many intelligently designed objects, remains, debris and wreckage as well as suspected petrified and animated beings. A website called Life on Mars Images, www.life-on-mars-images.com, was created to display the present and new findings. This is an ongoing paper that continues in the site.

Keywords: Mars rover Curiosity, NASA Mars images, evidence of extraterrestrial life, SETI, life on Mars images.

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Evidences of Extraterrestrial Life on Mars Images from NASA’s Curiosity Rover

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