Enhancement of Farm Household Income and Food Security through Integrated Crop Management for Indigenous and High Yielding Rice Varieties

by Open Science Repository Agriculture
(November 2013)


The study was conducted from April 2010 to December 2011 at the province of Ifugao, Cordillera region, Philippines, with the objectives of increasing farm household income and sustained food for the family through integrated crop management practices and organic farming. The study made use of wild sunflower leaves (Tithonia diversifolia), Madre de Cacao leaves (Gliricidia sepium), indigenous microorganism (IMO), Papaya Fruit Extracts (FPJ) and botanicals as sources of fertilizer and pesticide to reduce cost of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Integrate shells, watercress and other vegetables in farmer’s rice field as additional sources of income and food for the family.

Data on the socioeconomic profile of farmers in the study sites showed an average household number of 8 and consumed their rice harvest for an average of seven (7) months with an average income of P 3,555.00/cropping.

The experiment conducted in farmer’s field showed a yield increase for indigenous rice varieties fertilized with organic fertilizers to a highest of 48.64 % and lowest of 8.65 %. Highest net income increase of 75 % and lowest of 0.94 %, highest ROI of 135 % and lowest of 84 % was realized. An increased yield of 22.8 %, highest net income of 62 % and return on investment (ROI) of 560 % was realized for high yielding rice varieties.

Integrating fishes, shells and vegetables in the farm has added income ranging from P 415.00 to P 1,840 per cropping giving a net income increase ranging from 23 to 58 %.

Keywords: integrated crop management, indigenous rice varieties, high yielding rice varieties.

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Enhancement of Farm Household Income and Food Security through Integrated Crop Management for Indigenous and High Yielding Rice Varieties

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