Open Science Repository Engineering

doi: 10.7392/openaccess.70081976

Street Geometric Network Case Study - Centre of Khartoum (Sudan)

Abd Elrahim Elgizouli Mohamed Ahamed [1], Khalid Abuelgasim Ahamed Shimmo [2]

[1] (Associate Professor) Dep. of Civil Eng., Engineering College, Karary University ,Sudan; [2] Sudan-Karary-Elwaha 


The main objective of this paper is to use the powerful Geographic information system and remote sensing to generate a geometric network for street in Khartoum center, for the purpose of management of the street network with in transportation system of the city. The data used in this paper  was  satellite  image  from  Google Earth  and  digital  map  from  Ministry  of  Infrastructure, Department of Roads and Bridges. 

The present research comes to the conclusions that the Powerful geometric network has been designed and manipulated for the study area, within the  GIS environmental and the  geo-database with dataset and feature classes have been created to represent the reality of the geographic features in the study area. The application of the street geometric network has been subjected to different  cases  to  evaluate  their  potentiality for meeting the essential  requirements. The model shows great flexibility and powerful management facilities in production solutions for the  real world problems concerning the traffic flow direction and motion distribution, such as the best route and the closest facility. The developed model is dynamic, so it could be modified, updated and subjected to further query processes among the study area.

Keywords: GIS, geometric-network, geo-database.

Citation: Ahamed, A. E. E. M., & Shimmo, K. A. A. (2013). Street Geometric Network Case Study - Centre of Khartoum (Sudan). Open Science Repository Engineering, Online(open-access), e70081976. doi:10.7392/openaccess.70081976

Received: June 18, 2013

Published: June 24, 2013

Copyright: © 2013 Ahamed, A. E. E. M., & Shimmo, K. A. A.  Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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Ahamed, A. E. E. M., & Shimmo, K. A. A. (2013). Street Geometric Network Case Study - Centre of Khartoum (Sudan). Open Science Repository Engineering, Online(open-access), e70081976. doi:10.7392/openaccess.70081976


Ahamed, Abd Elrahim Elgizouli Mohamed, and Khalid Abuelgasim Ahamed Shimmo. “Street Geometric Network Case Study - Centre of Khartoum (Sudan).” Open Science Repository Engineering (2013): e70081976.


Ahamed, Abd Elrahim Elgizouli Mohamed, and Khalid Abuelgasim Ahamed Shimmo. 2013. “Street Geometric Network Case Study - Centre of Khartoum (Sudan).” Open Science Repository Engineering Online (open-access): e70081976. doi:10.7392/openaccess.70081976.


Ahamed, A.E.E.M. & Shimmo, K.A.A., 2013. Street Geometric Network Case Study - Centre of Khartoum (Sudan). Open Science Repository Engineering, Online(open-access), p.e70081976.


1. A. E. E. M. Ahamed, K. A. A. Shimmo, Street Geometric Network Case Study - Centre of Khartoum (Sudan), Open Science Repository Engineering Online, e70081976 (2013).


1. Ahamed, A. E. E. M. & Shimmo, K. A. A. Street Geometric Network Case Study - Centre of Khartoum (Sudan). Open Science Repository Engineering Online, e70081976 (2013).


Research registered in the DOI resolution system as: 10.7392/openaccess.70081976.

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