Open Science Repository Economics

doi: 10.7392/openaccess.23050436

The Teaching of Economics in Senior High School in Ghana, a Discussion for the Inclusion of Three Additional Factors of Production

Lindsay Isaac Kwame-Krah Yaidoo

Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA)


This paper sheds some reflections on the concept of ‘production’ and the factors or prerequisites which must exist before production can be carried out, albeit successfully. It argues for the inclusion of three additional factors (of production) which is aimed at not only enrichment of the basic school economics curriculum but would also provide holistic knowledge which would predispose students to appreciate the relevant and contemporary environmental factors which are indeed needed to fully understand and undertake any viable economic activity. As a product of the O’level, A’ level and university courses in economics, I feel startled that the ‘Factors of Production’ which I was first taught and read from books, authored by Samuelson, Hanson and others (accomplished writers of Economics during their time) over two decades ago, continues to be what is being taught today as it was being taught back then. This paper discusses the ‘Factors of Production’ as are outlined in the Economics syllabus (the emphasis is on senior high schools), and goes further to argue for the inclusion of (I) Money/Liquidity, (ii) Modern Technology (IT) and (iii) Market as the three additional factors without which ‘production’ today would be ineffective and counterproductive. 

Keywords: economics, economics teaching, high school, Ghana.

Citation: Yaidoo, L. I. K. (2013). The Teaching of Economics in Senior High School in Ghana, a Discussion for the Inclusion of Three Additional Factors of Production. Open Science Repository Economics, Online(open-access), e23050436. doi:10.7392/openaccess.23050436

Received: September 30, 2013

Published: October 29, 2013

Copyright: © 2013 Yaidoo, L. I. K. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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Yaidoo, L. I. K. (2013). The Teaching of Economics in Senior High School in Ghana, a Discussion for the Inclusion of Three Additional Factors of Production. Open Science Repository Economics, Online(open-access), e23050436. doi:10.7392/openaccess.23050436


Yaidoo, Lindsay Isaac K. “The Teaching of Economics in Senior High School in Ghana, a Discussion for the Inclusion of Three Additional Factors of Production.” Open Science Repository Economics (2013): e23050436.


Yaidoo, Lindsay Isaac K. “The Teaching of Economics in Senior High School in Ghana, a Discussion for the Inclusion of Three Additional Factors of Production.” Open Science Repository Economics Online, no. open-access (October 29, 2013): e23050436. doi:10.7392/openaccess.23050436.


Yaidoo, L.I.K., 2013. The Teaching of Economics in Senior High School in Ghana, a Discussion for the Inclusion of Three Additional Factors of Production. Open Science Repository Economics, Online(open-access), p.e23050436.


1. L. I. K. Yaidoo, The Teaching of Economics in Senior High School in Ghana, a Discussion for the Inclusion of Three Additional Factors of Production, Open Sci. Repos. Econ. Online, e23050436 (2013).


1. Yaidoo, L. I. K. The Teaching of Economics in Senior High School in Ghana, a Discussion for the Inclusion of Three Additional Factors of Production. Open Sci. Repos. Econ. Online, e23050436 (2013).


Research registered in the DOI resolution system as: 10.7392/openaccess.23050436.

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