Distance Training Programme (DTP) students’ and DTP administration managers’ perceptions on mobile SMS technology to support offline distance learning...

by Open Science Repository Communications Technologies
(August 2014)


The paper reports on surveys of Distance Training Programme (DTP) students’ and DTP administration managers’ perceptions on mobile SMS technology to support offline distance learning communications activity at the University of Rwanda, College of Education (UR-CE), and the willingness of DTP students and managers to incorporate an SMS communication at the UR-CE into DTP Programme. Methods used were questionnaires and interviews with DTP students and DTP management staff. The paper concludes that majority of respondents surveyed indicated the need to associate a bulk-SMS to alert DTP students on the availability of printed notices, examination results, assignment submission due dates, etc. Mobile SMS could be used as alerts to maintain and support a timely contact communication to students taking offline distance learning education at the UR-CE.

Keywords: DTP students, Distance Training Programme, Mobile SMS, UR-CE, University of Rwanda.

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Distance Training Programme (DTP) students’ and DTP administration managers’ perceptions on mobile SMS technology to support offline distance learning communications activity at the University of Rwanda

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