Open Science Repository Anthropology

doi: 10.7392/openaccess.23050432

Likoda Li-Mbog (Native Horizons: Authority Relations and the Management of Crises Among the Basaa People of Southwestern Cameroon)

Mbeleck Mandenge

Department of Anthropology, Catholic University of Cameroon 


The title of this paper is rightly, “Likoda Li-Mbog.” It is a summary of a finished Ph. D. thesis in Systemic Analysis. In the thesis, we examine the events of power and authority relations and the various ways in which they articulate an underlying epistemology and world-view. Specifically, the problem area relates to aspects of social control which arise from the grip of a world-view on a people’s behaviour. The purview – in terms of a view of society – of our study is a system with a specifiable mode of organisation based on yet another at once implicit and explicit. “Mbog,” to name the system, permeates every aspect of Basaa life. As a system of meanings, it amounts to a complete view of the world – ways in which a people perceive their shared reality. We, for the case of the Basaa people, have tried to show, an organic relationship between the manner in which a people are organised politically, and a system of knowledge, itself an adumbration of a world-view that we have named.

Keywords: world-view, social structure, authority relations, the mbombog, social control.

Citation: Mbeleck, M. (2013). Likoda Li-Mbog (Native Horizons: Authority Relations and the Management of Crises Among the Basaa People of Southwestern Cameroon). Open Science Repository Anthropology, Online(open-access), e23050432. doi:10.7392/openaccess.23050432

Received: September 29, 2013

Published: October 7, 2013

Copyright: © 2013 Mbeleck, M. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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Mbeleck, M. (2013). Likoda Li-Mbog (Native Horizons: Authority Relations and the Management of Crises Among the Basaa People of Southwestern Cameroon). Open Science Repository Anthropology, Online(open-access), e23050432. doi:10.7392/openaccess.23050432


Mbeleck, Mandenge. “Likoda Li-Mbog (Native Horizons: Authority Relations and the Management of Crises Among the Basaa People of Southwestern Cameroon).” Open Science Repository Anthropology (2013): e23050432.


Mbeleck, Mandenge. “Likoda Li-Mbog (Native Horizons: Authority Relations and the Management of Crises Among the Basaa People of Southwestern Cameroon).” Open Science Repository Anthropology Online, no. open-access (October 07, 2013): e23050432. doi:10.7392/openaccess.23050432.


Mbeleck, M., 2013. Likoda Li-Mbog (Native Horizons: Authority Relations and the Management of Crises Among the Basaa People of Southwestern Cameroon). Open Science Repository Anthropology, Online(open-access), p.e23050432.


1. M. Mbeleck, Likoda Li-Mbog (Native Horizons: Authority Relations and the Management of Crises Among the Basaa People of Southwestern Cameroon), Open Sci. Repos. Anthropol. Online, e23050432 (2013).


1. Mbeleck, M. Likoda Li-Mbog (Native Horizons: Authority Relations and the Management of Crises Among the Basaa People of Southwestern Cameroon). Open Sci. Repos. Anthropol. Online, e23050432 (2013).


Research registered in the DOI resolution system as: 10.7392/openaccess.23050432.

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