An Evolved Hair Growth Mechanism in Mammals, Implications in Human Physiology

by Open Science Repository Anthropology
(March 2013)


There is currently no accepted theory of mammalian hair growth that addresses the questions as any valid scientific theory is required to do.

The mechanisms of the establishment of hair growth characteristics and changes is poorly understood. The body of evidence we have often seems contradictory, with no apparent common thread.

Here I offer evidence for an evolved dermal mechanism, that I consider to be the missing link in our understanding of mammalian hair growth. This mechanism makes sense of the referenced existing evidence we have, and fills in the gaps.

The fact that this mechanism can be demonstrated in modern humans has implications in further understanding of human evolution. This includes an insight into the evolution of modern human hairlessness, changes in human hair patterns and a link with some serious gender-related conditions.

Keywords: evolution, mammals, hair growth, alopecia, human physiology.

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An Evolved Hair Growth Mechanism in Mammals, Implications in Human Physiology

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