Open Science Repository Agriculture

doi: 10.7392/openaccess.23050420

Effect of Moisture Content on the Electric Properties of Spelled Grains - T. Dicoccum

Krassimira Kardjilova, Zuzana Hlavacova

Varna, Bulgaria


The article presents the results of measurements of electrical properties on sample of spelled grains with glumes, which had not been sufficiently measured. Electrical properties were measured with LCR meter.

Resistance R, impedance Z, capacity C, relative permittivity of sample of spelled in frequency interval from 20 kHz to 200 kHz were measured. The electric properties were measured for three values of the moisture content of the sample. The results are presented graphically and analytically. Obtained results are analyzed.

The measured values and results obtained allow concluding that resistance, impedance, capacity and relative permittivity of spelled functionally dependent on the frequency, as obtained by other authors.

The study was developed in response to the global trend to increase and control the quality of plant production and increased interest in the production and consumption of healthy and organic food (De Vita et al, 2006).

Increased productivity of traditional crops requires hard work and guidance in improving product quality. This explains the increasing interest towards spelled - T. Dicoccum, which is a valuable source of vitamins, essential amino acids and minerals

Research on electrical properties of biological materials and the results can be used when constructing the apparatus for measuring moisture content based on electrical and dielectric properties of materials.

Knowing the dependencies would allow to find the most optimal and accurate method for measuring moisture content in agricultural production.

Keywords: spelled grains with glumes, electrical properties, frequency.

Citation: Kardjilova, K., & Hlavacova, Z. (2013). Effect of Moisture Content on the Electric Properties of Spelled Grains - T. Dicoccum. Open Science Repository Agriculture, Online(open-access), e23050420. doi:10.7392/openaccess.23050420

Received: September 16, 2013

Published: September 21, 2013

Copyright: © 2013 Kardjilova, K., & Hlavacova, Z. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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Kardjilova, K., & Hlavacova, Z. (2013). Effect of Moisture Content on the Electric Properties of Spelled Grains - T. Dicoccum. Open Science Repository Agriculture, Online(open-access), e23050420. doi:10.7392/openaccess.23050420


Kardjilova, Krassimira, and Zuzana Hlavacova. “Effect of Moisture Content on the Electric Properties of Spelled Grains - T. Dicoccum.” Open Science Repository Agriculture (2013): e23050420.


Kardjilova, Krassimira, and Zuzana Hlavacova. “Effect of Moisture Content on the Electric Properties of Spelled Grains - T. Dicoccum.” Open Science Repository Agriculture Online, no. open-access (September 21, 2013): e23050420. doi:10.7392/openaccess.23050420.


Kardjilova, K. & Hlavacova, Z., 2013. Effect of Moisture Content on the Electric Properties of Spelled Grains - T. Dicoccum. Open Science Repository Agriculture, Online(open-access), p.e23050420.


1. K. Kardjilova, Z. Hlavacova, Effect of Moisture Content on the Electric Properties of Spelled Grains - T. Dicoccum, Open Science Repository Agriculture Online, e23050420 (2013).


1. Kardjilova, K. & Hlavacova, Z. Effect of Moisture Content on the Electric Properties of Spelled Grains - T. Dicoccum. Open Science Repository Agriculture Online, e23050420 (2013).


Research registered in the DOI resolution system as: 10.7392/openaccess.23050420.

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